Home maintenance tasks are never fun and rarely easy, but boy do they feel good when they’re completed. January tasks always seem to be the worst too since they arrive after the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the weather is always blustery and cold, at least it is here. If you want your home to continue taking care of you, then you need to take care of it! At the very least, make sure to add these top 8 tasks to your list this month. Or, download my FREE Home Maintenance Checklist for January right HERE.
Here are your Top 8 Home Maintenance TO-DO’s for the month of JANUARY…
1. Change your HVAC filters.
This is actually something you shouldn’t do just once a year but rather every 3 months, depending on the size of your filter. I always recommend to do it at the start of a new year though. How many times you change your filters all depends on the use and the amount of dirt, dust, pet dander and allergens in the air in your home. A good rule of thumb is to change 1-2 inch filters every 3 months, 4 inch every 6 months, and 5 inch every 12 months.
2. Regularly check roof & gutters for ice dams.
Ice dams are areas of built-up ice that can accumulate around your roof line and cause leaks when backed up with snow. While icicles can be very pretty, they can also be very dangerous and damaging. As long as you can safely reach the area, remove snow from your roof after each storm and break up any ice dams you find to prevent any future damage. If you have severe ice dams, it’s best to hire a professional to remove them safely.
3. Plan home projects for the year ahead.
If you’re thinking about larger projects like remodeling the kitchen or a bathroom, now is the time to reach out to the contractors and make a game plan. Start pulling together all of your ideas, resources, and inspiration that you’ve been collecting and start contacting who you need to contact. Figure out the timing that works best for you and get on the contractor’s schedule.
4. Deep clean those filthy places people don’t see but you know are there.
Why wait for spring time to clean? Start off the new year knowing that your home is free of build-up. Clean those filthy places that you rarely see but you know are there. From behind/underneath your appliances to the tops of your fans to light bulbs & fixtures to HVAC vents…etc.
5. Prepare your home maintenance budget for the year.
This can be a very hard thing to do, but it’s also a very smart thing to do. Better to be financially prepared if something needs attention. If you aren’t prepared then it will be put aside and potentially get worse. How much should you budget for? A popular rule of thumb says you should set aside 1% of the value of your home each year for ongoing maintenance items. If your home value is $500,000, you should budget $5,000 per year for maintenance. Some years you may never spend the full budget which allows you to roll those funds into the following year. Other years you may spend far more than you budgeted for, but at least you’ll have money set aside that won’t break the every day bank account.
6. Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
This is a no brainer. Make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are functioning, and replace batteries if necessary.
7. Deep clean your kitchen appliances.
Most people tend to congregate in the kitchen. Having squeaky clean appliances will make one of the most used rooms in the house sparkle and more enjoyable. And if you like to cook, preparing meals will become way easier. Scrub them starting at the top and working your way down. Use their clean settings too and start the new year with fresh looking appliances.
8. Declutter.
Start off the new year by dropping the dead weight of unused items in your closets, drawers, kitchen, basement, etc. This is not something you should feel overwhelmed by. If you do, just start room by room and take it slow. If you haven’t touched or used something in a year, or if you don’t love it, then it’s likely time to toss, donate or recycle it. A trick I always found helpful is before you bring something new into the house (no matter what it is – clothing, kitchenware, etc.), you must first get rid of something else to make room for the new item.
FREE Printable – January Home Maintenance Checklist
Stay tuned for February’s Home Maintenance To-Do list!

Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂